In Memoriam

Geoff Rasmussen
Geoff was a co-founder of Azure Capital and our longest serving Managing Director. Geoff started his career as a management consultant with McKinsey & Company, then becoming a founding Director of Poynton & Partners and GEM Consulting, where he worked in both management consulting and corporate advisory. Geoff’s contribution to the community included being a Director of the West Coast Eagles Football Club, Chairman of Youth Focus, and Chairman of the Azure Foundation.
Geoff passed away in April 2016, after a 16 month battle with cancer. He was universally respected and influential in our lives as a friend, business partner, mentor and adviser. His intellect, quick-wit and strong values have shaped Azure and many other organisations in Western Australia in countless ways, and his presence will continue to be felt for many years.
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Adam Rankine-Wilson
Adam was one of Western Australia’s most successful deal-makers. He joined Azure Capital in 2008, having previously co-founded and been Executive Chairman of the boutique firm, Capital Investment Partners. Whilst at Azure, Adam successfully raised capital for a range of public and private clients, as well as running the Azure Resources Fund. Adam’s philanthropic endeavours included being a Director of Parkerville Children and Youth Care.
Adam passed away in December 2011 after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. He was a generous, charismatic and much admired member of the Azure team, and he will be remembered with great fondness by all who had the pleasure of working with him.
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